Friday 23 June 2017

Cervical Spine Surgery in Atlanta – For Treating Slipped or Herniated Disc

In recent years, number of people complaining of back pain has increased like never before. According to a study conducted, there are several reasons which trigger pain in back and neck. Although most of these conditions can be managed and treated non-invasively, there are some that need surgery. If you have been recommended Atlanta Spine Surgery for cervical spine then reading further might help you.

In cervical spine surgery, a slipped disc, also known as herniated disc, is treated. Herniated disc is common and usually occurs with the ageing. This particular surgery is performed in neck so that the surgeon can have access to the spine. Just like any other surgical procedure, recovering from cervical spine surgery is not easy and takes time. There are some factors that decide the number of days a patient would spend in hospital after the surgery. Listed below are some of these factors:
  1. How the patient’s body reacts to the surgery?
  2. What the surgeon has to say about the procedure and what will follow afterwards?
Usually, a patient is required to stay in hospital for a week after undergoing Spine Surgery in Atlanta. Depending on the condition of a patient, spine surgeon can ask to get up or walk on the second or third day of the surgery. This is done in order to alleviate the pressure on the spine.

The patient should take rest for five weeks after returning home to recover completely. Make sure that you adhere to the instructions given by the cosmetic surgeon for fast and quick recovery. No undue pressure should be placed on spine during this period. Any stress on the neck can hamper the chances of full and timely recovery. One thing that you should do to make sure for quick recovery is talk to one of the chosen Spine Surgeons Atlanta properly to know about the procedure.

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